Driving Distance from Charlotte, NC to Asheville, NC
Table Of Content Map of driving directions from Asheville, NC to Charlotte, NC Card Issuer Charlotte, North Carolina Driving time calculator Map of driving directions from Charlotte, NC to Asheville, NC Cobranded Cards You can also calculate the cost of driving from CLT to Asheville, NC based on currentlocal fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage. You can also calculate the cost of driving from Asheville, NC to Charlotte, NC based on currentlocal fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage. We highly recommend renting a car to make the most of your time enjoying the area while having the flexibility to explore the awesome things to do just outside of Asheville that will require you to drive. Charlotte is a large city which means there is plenty to see, do, and eat and drink! To make the most of your stay, we recommend spending 2-3 days in Charlotte. This gives you some time to explore the city and the various areas – Uptown, The South End,...